Latest journal
- submit articles to the Journal online
- find various documents to help you write your article
- find deadline dates for submissions
- WPS members are able to search for, print or email pdf articles from the archived Journals. This archiving has been an ongoing project so we thank you for being patient with us while we conducted the archiving. Formatting has changed over the years, so our next task is to ensure uniformity of the formatting.
Aims of the WPJ:
- Promote paediatrics within and outside Wales
- Information sharing about clinical networks, research activity and education
- Publish original research, case reports, audit summaries and clinical reviews from paediatricians
- Promote paediatric training and education for the undergraduate students and postgraduate clinicians
- Report on scientific meetings and publish the abstracts from the WPS meetings twice a year
- Publish reports from the WPSU
- Develop and maintain the paediatric community and act as a voice for Welsh paediatricians
Contact details:
Dr Pramodh Vallabhaneni
Department of Child Health
Clinical Accommodation Building
Level 3
Morriston Hospital
[email protected]
Assistant Editors/Golygyddion Cynorthwyo
South Wales Representative - Dr Torsten Hildebrandt (CTM UHB)
Editorial Advisory Committee/Pwyllgor Cynghori Golygyddol
West Wales Representative - Dr Simon Fountain-Polley (Hywel Dda UHB)
Academic Research Representative - Dr Claire Morgan (Swansea University)
Neonatal Representative - Dr Mallinath Chakraborty (CAV UHB)
Website/Social media Representative - Dr Andrew Hallett (CTM UHB)
Social media/Podcasts Representative - Dr Assim Javaid ST5 (SB UHB)
North Wales Representative - Dr Artur Abelian - (BC UHB)
Community Representative - Dr Francesca Norris ST8 (CAV UHB)
Trainee Representatives/ Cynrychiolwyr y dan Hyfforddiant
Dr Klara Brzyska
[email protected]
Administration/ Gweinyddu
Heather O’Connell
Department of Child Health
University Hospital of Wales
[email protected]
Professor B Ansari 1989-1999 Yr Athro B Ansari